Interesting formats of the conference for our GAP
Dear GAPers,
here are some scientific sessions, panels and workshops, linking to our GAP. Please try to visit some of them, so that we have a good exchange with the debates on the conference, bringing syntheses and questions from related workshops to the GAP, as well as bringing our discussions to the workshops and sessions. Feel free to add some more.
Some are in German, many in english. Would be great if you can already post, where you definitly plan to go
Why degrowth begins with keeping children out of institutions
Children and degrowth - relationship as social duty
How children learn in Buen Vivir
Child-friendly City Rally ( with Silvia Hable)
Early childhood care from a growth-critical perspective ( with Silvia Hable)
Psycho-dynamics of power and consumption
Splitting up in girls and boys - an economic model of success
Dimensions of learning for a degrowth society
Bottom up transformation: Grassroots, practices, and communities
Unlearning old habits: New practices and experiences for degrowth
(with Christiane Richard- Elsner)
What could a convivial organisation look like? The Otherwise Club
What Ego can learn from the self? (Independent learning) - Guided tour through exhibition
Café kaput - a repair café and education project
Democratic education - Schools with human beings
Educational tour in the West of Leipzig
Education for Sustainable Development in Saxony and Leipzig
Following Ivan Illich - Education in a convivial society
Teaching degrowth: Lessons learned
Schooling the world, Lost people: Film presentation and discussion
Urban Planning
Less is more (space) - changing regions in Japan and Germany
Shrinking cities and space in post-growth scocieties
City of the future - Degrowth thought through
(Care) Work
Degrowth economy: What does this mean with regard to concepts of work?
Economy of Liberation, Solidarity Economy and Good Living (bem-viver)
Beyond development and resource extractivism: Feminist perpectives
Care, ecological and social aspects of reproduction
(Re)Productivity as an economic paradigm for a social-ecological economy
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