Organizing collective action for degrowth


Working group formed for the International Conference on Degrowth 2014.

How does transformation take place and what are effective strategies for a system change?

Which societal actors could be the (revolutionary) subjects of the transformation to degrowth?

What organizational structures do we need for reinforcing the degrowth movement, both nationally and internationally?


P. Altmann, Good Life between Buen Vivir and Sumak Kawsay – Indicators of a political concept in Ecuador, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.Office presentation icon Degrowth2014_Altmann_Sumak Kawsay_Good Life.ppt (138 KB)PDF icon 3296.pdf (54.59 KB)
L. Alvarez and Hernández, M. S. Lysete, Of the Constitutive Principles of a Post-Capitalist Economy, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3576.pdf (226.63 KB)
R. Amicolo, The garbage crisis, the ecological justice and enviromental migrants in Campania (Southern Italy), in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3504.pdf (118.31 KB)
R. Amicolo, The garbage crisis , environmental migrants and ecological justice in Campania (Southern Italy), in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3367.pdf (71.47 KB)
N. Anastasopoulos, Redefining sustainability, resilience and Buen Vivir in a Social Knowledge economy context: The Ecuador experiment, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3458.pdf (338.05 KB)
D. Andreucci and Gallardo, L., Sumak Kawsay and Degrowth: Towards new struggles against extractive development, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.
K. Andriotis, Degrowing Tourism, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3616.pdf (53.95 KB)
A. Anson, “The World is My Backyard”: Critiquing Mobility From Inside the Tiny House Movement, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3167.pdf (181.58 KB)
H. Aoki and Kawamiya, N., Primary Energy Analysis: A New Approach beyond Extant Growth Theories, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Aoki_PrimaryEnergyAnalysis(handout).pdf (927.15 KB)PDF icon Degrowth2014_Aoki_PrimaryEnergyAnalysis(ppt).pdf (1.29 MB)PDF icon 3485.pdf (385.75 KB)
H. Aoki and Kawamiya, N., Primary Energy Analysis: A New Approach beyond Extant Growth Theories (revised version), in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Aoki_PrimaryEnergyAnalysis(ppt).pdf (1.29 MB)PDF icon Degrowth2014_Aoki_PrimaryEnergyAnalysis(handout).pdf (927.15 KB)PDF icon 3588.pdf (197.13 KB)

Results from Leipzig 2014

Building Alliances:

  • Building Alliances with environmental and social conflicts actors and seed degrowth there.

  • Link up with democracy NGOs.

  • Link between Researchers and Activists.

  • Storytelling: develop a positive narrative.

  • Fight against specific instances of capitalist expansion into new environments and fight for the good life with people in those regions.

  • Think/act beyond the state and the institutions.

  • Articulate/Bridge movements through alliance building and campaigning on “key issues”.

Knowledge Management:

  • Trainings for locals and in school (how to change).

  • Support and link communities of practice using online collaboration and network tools.

  • Establish translation infrastructure for Degrowth community.

  • Learning from mistakes and share lessons learned.

  • Exchange of success stories and best practices.

Offline social structure: National and local:

  • International network of degrowth movements rooted in the territory.

  • Extend Italian experience internationally.

  • Linking national and local degrowth movements and initiatives.

  • Creating degrowth “hubs” / relays.

Ideas for Action:

  • Collective and direct action of dissent with the old system: “Conflictive Actions Strategy” of Occupy and Civil disobedience against

    • fossil industries

    • weapon industries

    • agro-industries

  • Organize a vote about investment protection (part of TTIP, CETA, TISA) for the different countries EU, USA, Canada.

Results from Barcelona 2010

Here you can find the results of the GAP at the Degrowth Conference 2010 in Barcelona that are particularly relevant for this working group. More.