An adapted example foreplay, developed for the GROWL pilot course in Can Decreix, France, May 2014

Act 1 - Resources availability: “We want to cook chick peas and there is no more gas, we call Putin, he explains that there is no more gas; Gas is getting more and more expensive. More and more problems with the exploitation in Siberia (commodity frontier), gas is used for war…”

Act 2 - Infrastructures of production: “German people in response want to exploit shale gas to secure deliveries, and they are thinking of a new gas pipeline passing by Witzenhausen, gas consumption is booming...”

Act 3 - Time to work: “The pipeline and shale gas infrastructures development enable to develop Witzenhausen. The time aspect: some are stressed at work, others are unemployed, and people have no motivation for their work…”

Act 4 - Migration and borders: “Following the announcement of a new community kitchen with prime gas supply, Witzenhausen inhabitants can now cook chick peas in their all furnished kitchen. This makes people from France envious on the other side of the borders, because no longer can eat chick peas, but even worse, pommes and croissants prices have also rised due to the gas scarcity. And, to worsen, they didn't get a job in the pipeline. Anti-immigrant discourses start to appear. On the last moment, things change: the infrastructure work is finished, shale gas is now exploited in France; jobs and good earnings are now in France. Witzenhäuser have now to go to France to cook chick peas, potatoes... even the bratwurst is at danger... A new border gets definitely closed west of Witzenhausen; some still manage to pass over the new walls...”

Act 5 - Monetary: “There were special deals to all these infrastructures got the state very indebted, also people have to reimburse their new kitchens. Land is destroyed and we have a financial crisis”


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