This is meant to be a starting point to work on the manifest for Degrowth.

Goal of Manifest

The manifest should explain the main points of degrowth in a nutshell, so that any person or group can decide on the basis of this manifest whether it wants to associate / link up with the degrowth movement.

Therefore we feel that it should not be too long (whatever that means) and it should be inspiring, but at the same time not too vague or noncommittal, so that 'linking up with degrowth' actually has some meaning.

The following is (obviously!) not meant to be binding in any way, we only want to provide a trigger to get started on the discussion.

1. Content of Manifest

  • Why Degrowth? (Motivation)

Here we could imagine some introductory summary of the main reasons why we think we need degrowth.

Some first thoughts/examples on possible content of this section:

Current situation: growth paradigm means economic growth is the driver for everything, 'economics rule the world'.

But: limits to growth, finite planet

Decoupling does not work (rebound effect...)

- Environment argument: climate change, pollution, resource limits...

- Social argument: exploitation, competition,...

These lead to ”quality of life” argument...

  • What does Degrowth mean / where should it lead? (Vision)

Here we could imagine a sketch of what a degrowth society could look like.

Some first thoughts/examples on possible content of this section:

Economics should not rule, but serve

Goal is to ensure a high quality for everybody (where quality of life is not defined via accumulation of material goods).

This means: All limited resources (land, water,...) should be commons, not private property

Unconditional basic social security for everybody

Economy should be sufficiency-oriented, driven by renewable energy only (post-fossile) and should respect animals and biodiversity.

It should be as local as possible; short production chains.

Agriculture has to be organic and provide food sovereignty.

Society: Cooperation instead of competition, equal rights and equal participation for everybody, solidarity, freedom

Decision making structures should be as local as possible (in German: Subsidiarität) and allow equal participation of all concerned

Focus on social interaction (conviviality), knowledge acquisition, enjoyment of nature, art, music...

Examples for a Degrowth society

Here, we could imagine to have some illustrative examples of what a Degrowth world could look like:

Work is an occasion to participate in community life according to one's talents and abilities, and not a yoke that is necessary in order to obtain things to consume (from “manifest for a convivial degrowth”,

Mobility via bicycles and free public transport

… many more inspiring examples should be placed here ;-)

  • Path / Transition to Vision

This could include some ideas on how to work towards degrowth, political measures, events, actions,...

Should this be part of the manifest itself or should this rather be part of something like a 'further reading' section?

  • Further Reading

Some links to more elaborate degrowth documents,...

2. How to organize the Process?

  • Process to work on the Content

Who should work on it (everybody, but how can it be managed)?

Regular synchronization points?


  • Process to finalize and to legitimatize the manifest

What is a realistic time line?

How do we get the community involved for the finalising and legitimation?

Idea: Place it as a topic on the next Degrowth Conference in 2016?