Day 5. has been very sunny, hence perfect for a day all about energy. Kostas from Nea [AF1] Guinea, Alex from SEYN – Sustainable Energy Youth Network and Yorgos from UFiT (Urban Flat in  Transition) presented various aspects regarding energy combining theory and practice.

An overview of various systems set ups was initially presented based on DIY wind turbines, solar, hydro, hybrid systems and solar pumps installed by Nea Guinea in various locations in Greece and abroad. In order all participants understand how they can use an off grid system, each different component of a typical off grid energy system was described such as solar panels or wind turbine, chargers, batteries, inverters, dumb loads and more.

Following the basic theory, Yorgos presented a different solar dehydrator in the location and then participants were invited to design a typical off grid system, by estimating their consumption, sizing the needed battery banks and choosing the equipment needed. In parallel, a group of participants collectively built the frame to support the solar panels, installed the solar panels and prepared all the equipment for assembly. In the end of the design session, all participants were trained into actually connecting all different parts together and got a hands on experience from design to installation of this 800W off grid system.

The education methods used were a combination of traditional approach through presentations and explaining the theory behind an off grid energy system and innovative ones through designing and installing a real system on location where everyone could see all stages of installation and operation through a highly interactive session with all trainers.

In the afternoon, all teams moved to the nearby beach called Gionati, to both get some fun time swimming and enjoying the natural beauties of the area but also collectively clean the beach with great energy and smile. In this way, they supported the local community and environment in a practical way. 15 bags of trash were collected and transport for few kilometres through the beautiful paths to be properly disposed.  

This long day full of knowledge, practice and fun was completed by a great Portuguese themed night where apart from having the chance to taste delicious Portuguese flavours. We tasted “tremocos” (lupin), vegetables “a bras” with tomatoes and onion salad, “migas” wih vegetarian choricos and “arroz doce” (sweet rice) for dessert. Our Portuguese comrades presented also the current struggles against fracking plans on Portuguese coasts and also discussions were held about the various social movements and crisis.

The night closed with our incredible singer from Lithuania, Ugne, sharing with all a great traditional “farmer’s” song, which we all sung in a circle under the moonlight, strengthening the community feeling and energy for the next beautiful day. 




 [AF1]Write some about the organisations



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